Recorded Videos

Record three separate 3-minute (or less) videos of your responses to these three prompts

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why do you want to be a doctor?
  3. Describe an experience or activity (not necessarily medical) you have done that suggests that you will interact effectively with patients.

 Save the videos to files. Upload them as assignments (questions 1, 2, and 3) in the Bb course. The assignments are in a folder called "Video Upload." Do this ASAP to give your interviewer enough time to view them before your interview. Interviewers have been asked to provide helpful feedback. 

 An easy way to film your responses is through this link: 

 Just film, name, and save the videos. Then, when you are happy with them and ready to upload, just follow these steps:

  • Open the appropriate assignment (1,2 or 3) in the Med School Applicants Blackboard course, under "Video Uploads"
  • Under "Assignment Submission", select Write Submission to show the text editor
  • If you see "+" with a circle around it, click it. If you don't see it, click the three dots and then click the symbol
  • Click Kaltura Media
  • Click Add New


 The detailed procedure for uploading videos to Bb is provided here: